Friday, March 4, 2016

Sixth grade follies

If it wasn't so depressing, the developing republican slugfest would be popcorn worthy.  However, when it is one of the two political parties in America losing its mind on national television, it is mildly depressing.  Comparing genital sizes, accusing candidates of wetting their pants, etc. would be hilarious on the playground among a group of sixth graders, but when engaged in by Trump, Cruz and Rubio on Faux News last night, it looks more like the end of political discourse as we have known it.  As Paul Krugman puts it in his column this morning, it is rich for Cruz, Rubio and the republican establishment to accuse The Donald of being a con artist when their proposed budgets are more of the same voodoo economics without even Trumps' vow he will protect what's left of the social safety net.  The same with foreign policy where there doesn't seem to be a dime's worth of difference among the blustering neocon bellicosity all three candidates project.  I omit John Kasich, since he seems an afterthought on the stage;  the voice of the 1980's republican party of the rich, by the rich for the rich with the added "virtue" of a conservative patriarchal view of the world. 

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