Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Needful involvement

Three very big stories compete for attention today.  The terrorist attacks in Brussels sucked up most of the coverage yesterday and will continue today.  Presidential primaries are the ongoing story with victories  for The Donald and Hillary in Arizona and for their opponents in Utah.  The story getting the least coverage but potentially the most important of all is a report released by a climate tracking group headed by former NASA scientist, James Hansen.  It predicts possible monster changes in climate in as little as 50 years if present trends of human greenhouse gas production are not reduced at an impossible pace.  Hansen says a catastrophic breakup of the Greenland and Antarctic icecaps could make most coastal cities aquariums within the lifetimes of those born since 2000.  On top of these stories is a new study saying millennial voters are less engaged in the political process than their parents and grandparents.  We scoff at people who claim they have never voted and never intend to, saying they should never complain about the political system unless they are prepared to participate.   This has never been more important.  The next president and congress must take action to reduce our carbon emissions at a drastically increased rate or we are condemning generations unborn to a hellish existence because of our inaction.

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