Thursday, March 24, 2016

Swimming against the tide

Despite the forecast of more winter weather today, I continue to plant in by basement germination chamber.  I started several varieties of brassicas, including cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli as well as oregano.  The tomato seeds will get their introduction to soil over the weekend, snow or not.  Outdoors, the garlic is struggling to make an appearance and the tulips are up, but not happy about it.  After a promising early March, we seem to be giving back the progress toward spring.  Meanwhile, in politics, it would seem Governor Cuomo is helping workers on one hand by pushing for a $15.00/hr. minimum wage while simultaneously making the ladder to middle class status, a college education, more difficult to obtain.  After several years of $300.00/ year tuition increases, students and their parents are falling further into debt.  Meanwhile, Cuomo is trying to lop 500 million off the state's contribution to the City University of NY.  Both SUNY and CUNY have been the ticket to a better life for many in the state.  Making noises about finding "efficiencies" in administration in order to avoid another round of increases is disingenuous at best.  The state needs to step up and keep the legacy of an affordable state university degree a reality.

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