Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Feelng Berned

By the numbers, many young voters and some minorities are feeling the Bern and supporting a Sanders' candidacy.  One poll showed college age students going for Sanders by 84%, compared to 16% for Hillary.  Of course much of this support has to do with Bernie's program for free public college tuition.   Who wouldn't be in favor of lifting the crushing debt burden faced by college students today.  As a college freshman, I faced tuition, room and board and other fees totaling about $4,000./year.  While not easy in an era of $1.65/hr. minimum wage, with a scholarship and part time jobs, I was able to pay for most of my education before graduation.  The same college now costs in the neighborhood of $45,000/year and the New York State Regents scholarship which covered tuition is no longer available.  Baby boomers who complain about Millenials and their profligate ways need to see the other side for a moment.  Sanders has tapped a well of support among those who feel their needs are being ignored.  Unfortunately, as with most of his policies and programs, Bernie is depending on a "revolution" of the disenfranchised who will demand politicians recognize them.  With majorities in the House and Senate, Obama was barely able to pass the Rube Goldberg mess known as Obamacare.  Bernie would probably face a hostile House and a bare Dem majority in the Senate.  How likely is it his policies would be enacted?  Bernie has raised many issues which need to be addressed, but his supporters need to take off the rose colored glasses and read the fine print in his policy papers.

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