Friday, April 1, 2016

Where is Noah when you need him?

According to a vastly more pessimistic report on climate change which was reported yesterday, catastrophic melting of the icecaps in Greenland and West Antarctica could raise sea levels as much as 6 feet by the year 2100.  Considering the speed at which these studies are revised, we may find out much more than that may occur within the lifetimes of young adults.  Six feet of sea level rise will make NYC and a goodly portion of Long Island (I'm talking to you little brother) prone to flooding and low lying coastal communities around the world nearly uninhabitable.  Hundreds of millions of people will have to retreat from present day cities.   Of course the study leavens a little of its pessimism by saying if we keep the average global temperature rise at under 2 degrees Celsius further sea level rise may be avoided.  Meanwhile, we continue to drill baby drill and pour immense amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere while the USA, which could provide the leadership to combat climate change is in denial of the whole problem.   Ironically, the nomination of Donald Trump and the electoral holocaust he may bring to the Republican party may provide the space necessary for America to tackle climate change and the need for renewable energy under a new Clinton or Sanders' administration, especially if the House falls to Democratic control.  I seem to have a new reason to fight for political change.  The Monzeglio clan will welcome a new member this October.  Congratulations Merry and Nick.  We need to make sure the little guy or girl grows up in a safe and sane world.  In the meantime, I'll be looking for Ark plans....

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