Friday, April 29, 2016

Republican con games

As Paul Krugman so ably puts it in today's NYT, the democratic and republican primaries were textbook examples of the differing policies of the two parties toward their respective voters.  With either Hillary or Bernie, the dem voters can count on someone who, however imperfectly will try to fulfill the promises they are making on the campaign trail.  Of the 17 republican candidates who started the primary season, only one is telling voters he will work for them.  The Donald is telling an overwhelmingly white, male audience that it is OK to hate on anyone who doesn't look like them and he'll keep the social safety net programs they depend on in place.  The rest of the field went looking for these voters but weren't willing to promise they would defend social programs and couldn't hide the fact they would cut taxes for the 1% at the expense of everyone else.  It should be an interesting few months until the November election as the Republicans hemorrhage voters and Democrats may actually run the table and control Congress and the Presidency.  As my granddaughter would say, "Oh no... Happened!

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