Friday, April 8, 2016

It's getting nasty out there

The weather, politics, gardening.  It seems not to matter as we stumble through the beginning of April.  It's snowing again this morning on the NCR and the weekend doesn't look good for any outdoor activities.  Meanwhile, the cage match also known as the Presidential primaries has landed in New York and it is definitely getting nasty out there.   The Daily News, the city's biggest tabloid, suggested Ted Cruz, a critic of "New York Values", take the FU train out of the Bronx!  Bernie is now saying Hillary is a tool of Wall St. and unqualified to be president and she is returning the favor. And the The Donald is being himself.  No one seems to be able to find John Kasich.  We have a ten day onslaught of overwrought campaign ads coming up and finally a vote.  I have a feeling most people will yawn and ignore the whole thing, except for the real partisans.  For the past 20 years most of us have felt let down by the leaders we have chosen and the policies they have pursued.  What we need are practical solutions to real world problems, not pie in the sky promises.  I hope the nastiness on the Dem side at least illuminates the choice we have to make.  The Republicans, on the other side haven't got a clue what their candidates stand for besides ad hominem attacks and poll numbers.  The Flying Spaghetti Monster help us all!

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