Monday, April 11, 2016

Testing limits

We seem to have flipped months again.  April 11 and it is snowing on the NCR as I write this diatribe.  Sunday was beautifully sunny, but temps hovered in the mid thirties with gusty winds until the latter part of the afternoon.  Meanwhile, in Augusta, Jordan Spieth learned, maybe for the first time in his life what legions of golf duffers live at least once every season. That is, the dreaded quadruple bogey can leap out at any time and destroy what was until that time a very good round of golf.  At 22 years of age, Spieth has lived a golden American dream.  He decided early on he wanted to be a professional golfer and his parents had the means and desire to help him make it happen.  Winning the coveted green jacket in 2015 on his second try seemed to enhance an aura of invincibility on the Master's course.  For three and a half rounds, that can't lose inevitability continued, but bogeys on the 10th and 11th holes gave the rest of the field some hope and two shots  into Rae's Creek on the 12th pretty much assured that someone else would be wearing the green jacket at 7 p.m.  Despite a brave attempt, Spieth has made sure he will never intimidate a field in quite the same way Tiger Woods was capable of doing.  However, he handled the collapse with dignity and class and showed the rest of us would be golfers how to handle humiliation on perhaps the greatest stage in the sport.  I'll remember that the next time I contemplate a dunkathon at one of our local courses.

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