Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The face of things to come

Now that we are reasonably sure of the eventual nominations of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump by their respective parties, it was interesting to hear Trump tip off his strategy for defeating Clinton.  Basically, he said she is only winning the Dem race because she is a woman!  In a country where the electorate is majority female, this seems like a poor choice of memes.  He is correct in figuring his strength will be mostly angry white men, whether the racist yahoos he has been attracting or the dudebros who proclaim Bernie or bust.  He has alienated almost every other voting bloc, so as usual, he is doubling down.  The scary part of the equation is the possibility that any major terrorist attack or economic dislocation between now and November could saddle the country with a president who will make us pine for the Shrub (pun intended).

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