Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Which way

The polls and the pundits have spoken and despite the 25,000 plus at his recent rallies, Bernie will lose in New York and face all but certain elimination from the Democratic race.   Of course, his partisans still hope for a Wisconsin style upset which will fuel a triumphant run through the rest of the primaries.  Unlikely, but possible.  Hillary has eschewed the large rallies, because her greying supporters are not likely to show up unless there are chairs and plenty of bathrooms!  Bernie is the Moses of the Dems.  He will not see the promised land, but his efforts and the enthusiasm his supporters could very well push the party back to its New Deal roots and mobilize the younger generation.  This happened to the Republicans in the aftermath of the Goldwater debacle in 1964.  Instead of folding, the young ideologues who supported him built the infrastructure which has enabled so many conservative victories, culminating in the election of Ronald Reagan.  Right now, there is a high school junior or senior who has been captivated by Bernie's rhetoric and will begin the journey which will lead to the kind of change Vermont's junior senator envisions.  It will take time, but meanwhile, Hillary has tacked to the left and will have to own some of the policies she would never have otherwise.  Ultimately, she will feel the Bern!

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