Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Past as Prologue

I am continually amazed at the reaction of a sizable portion of the democratic party's electorate who have a diffuse, but persistent anger at Hillary Clinton.  She is described as haughty, corrupt, angry and not trustworthy, especially by millenials and some older men and women.  Having lived through the Clinton presidency and the tidal wave of republican investigations into anything and everything Bill and Hillary did throughout their entire lives, I can with reasonable confidence say there is nothing left to investigate.  The Benghazi and Hillary's e-mail "scandals" are the latest in a series of nothingburgers served up by republicans dating back to whitewater and beyond.  If there was a single crime uncovered by any of these investigations Hillary would be wearing an orange jumpsuit by now.  Compared to the torture allegations against Bush and Cheyney it is doubly annoying to listen to the little shits on Trey Gowdy's house committee preach to their republican choir about how they are getting to the bottom of Benghazi.  It is a mistake for the dems supporting Bernie to suggest that somehow Clinton is untrustworthy without actually citing instances of actual behavior.  That's why my daughters and so many other young democrats cite spurious allegations as reasons to distrust Hillary.  There is probably no good defense to these doubts except to point out who is blowing the smoke and manipulating the mirrors.

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