Wednesday, April 20, 2016

It was up to NY

For Hillary and The Donald, it was a combination of two of Frank Sinatra's signature songs; New York, New York and My Way.  The two candidates turned around stories of their imminent demise and returned the narrative to a triumphal march.  Bernie's campaign was reduced to threatening to harangue unelected superdelegates who are mostly supporting Clinton in an effort to upset the story of a growing gap in pledged delegates and the popular vote.  While I hope Bernie continues to push Hillary further to the left, the character attacks need to stop now.  Let's argue the issues without attacking the personalities.  Some of Sander's surrogates seemed particularly bitter he didn't do better in NY, despite spending far more than Clinton's campaign.  What they don't realize is Hillary has been working with many state politicians for decades and there is baked in loyalty which leads to the kind of support a sometime Democrat can only dream of.  Saying that independents should be able to vote in a Democratic primary is disingenuous at best.  Closed primaries are logical if you are looking for the will of party regulars concerning their nominee.  Meanwhile, there were fewer and more muted calls for #NeverTrump as the new face of the Republican party rolled to a crushing victory over Cruz and Kasich.

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