Monday, April 4, 2016

Where's the heat

By no means am I a climate change skeptic.   The data and the consensus among climate scientists convinced me long ago that the crisis is upon us.  However, that won't keep me from grousing that is seems the NCR lags when it comes to unseasonable warming.  One of the expert predictions is that our area will remain "normal" for some years to come due to its proximity to the melting Greenland icecap.  The cold melt water coming off the ice will push and possibly disrupt the gulf stream which tends to warm the Northeast during the winter.  So the one possibly good thing about global warming, namely golf and gardening in March and early April are on hold for another year.  It is 19 degrees here this morning an the soil in the garden is frozen for the moment.  The garlic is up and trying to grow and the first planting of spinach is making an appearance, but otherwise it might as well be December.  At least the tomatoes and peppers are up in the basement and the onions are growing in a cold frame.  I also noticed a hardy golfer at the local driving range hitting balls yesterday despite temps in the low 20s.  Hope springs eternal in the numb...

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