Monday, April 12, 2021

White Replacement

      A Japanese man, Hideki Matsuyama, won the Masters golf tournament yesterday.   He beat a constellation of mostly white men and will be a big contributor to Tucker Carlson's continuing dyspepsia concerning "white replacement".

      Ever since the founding of the US, the majority of white Americans have obsessed over their shrinking majority.   From the anti-immigrant Know Nothing movement in the 1840's to the several iterations of the Ku Klux Klan, anyone who doesn't look like the ideal of a blond haired, blue eyed Anglo, Germanic or Nordic type is fair game for the Carlsons of the world.   Matsuyama's victory is just another potential grievance.

      A white man is on trial for casually killing a black man in Minnesota last year.  Last night, another black man was killed by white officers in a nearby town, sparking a riot by outraged citizens.  White supremacy is under attack and it looks like the majoritie's anxieties will not be calmed anytime soon.

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