Monday, April 5, 2021

The Easter calm

      Both the left and the right seem to have declared a defacto truce for the Easter holiday.  People are out and about in many areas of the country and many are tired of the non-stop political combat the media keeps reporting.  Even the coverage of the George Floyd trial was scaled back over the weekend.

     Here in the north country we celebrated the first signs of spring, including an Easter Egg hunt for the grandkids and our first family dinner at my eldest daughter's house.  Thanks to all of us getting our 2 doses of vaccine we were a relatively safe island in the Covid sea.  

     Thanks to more larges scale vaccination centers popping up around New York, the site in Plattsburgh is seeing a drop off in jabs over the last couple of weeks, even as the national rate continues to soar.   From a high point of more than 2000 shots per day a few weeks ago, only around 800 people showed up yesterday for immunization.   Nationally, more than 4 million people were treated yesterday, so steady progress is being made.   Hopefully, the Easter calm will continue as the nation catches its collective breath.

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