Thursday, April 8, 2021

"Fewer, but better voters"

      So this is what is coming next in Republican voter suppression.   Fewer, but better voters is the call by the National Review's Kevin Williamson.   63 years after the magazine's founder William F. Buckley called for southern whites to maintain their electoral monopoly over blacks by any means necessary, Williamson advocates for passing whatever laws are needed to discourage blacks, working class whites, women and any others who might consider voting Democratic and encourage older, white, rural voters who overwhelmingly vote Republican to get to the polls on election day.

     Absentee voting, mail voting, early voting and other democratic methods of encouraging the most people to participate in our democracy are to be shunned.   Long lines, poorly maintained voting equipment and restricted hours of voting is the new Jim Crow.  We must oppose all these efforts to disenfranchise our fellow citizens.

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