Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Vaccine Idiocy

       Despite the undeniable success of the Biden Administration's vaccine rollout with over 63,000,000 people now completely immunized against Covid 19, there remains a troubling holdout which may ultimately doom the goal of herd immunity to the virus.  I am referring to the vast majority of evangelical Christians who are refusing the opportunity to receive the vaccine.   

      Some leaders in the movement have called for their followers to get the shot or shots, but many rank and file evangelicals are rejecting the advice for reasons ranging from "the vaccine is not the savior" to the rumor the vaccines use material from aborted fetuses (They do not), to exhortations that proper nutrition will keep you safe (it will not).

     Unless their is a rapid change of heart in Jesus land, many millions of our fellow citizens will delay the reopening of our country and make it less safe for those of us who have been immunized.

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