Thursday, April 1, 2021

Vaccination passports to the rescue

       While it may never happen, the institution of vaccination passports could be the most important tool in our fight against Covid 19 and other pandemics in the future.   Because of the efficacy of the present vaccines, once you have received them, your chances of contracting or transmitting the virus fall to virtually zero.   Having a document which proves you are not a carrier of the virus could very well lead to a quick reopening of society.

      Unfortunately, the same people who would love to force every potential voter to obtain an I.D. are now braying that somehow requiring a vaccine I.D. is an infringement on some sacred right.  That these people are overwhelmingly white and Republican shows how weak the argument is.  The paramount duty of a government of the people is to protect the health and well being of those people.   A vaccination document is a no brainer.

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