Tuesday, April 20, 2021

The Old White Guy theory

       In today's NYT, Paul Krugman states pretty baldly what I have been saying ever since Joe Biden's candidacy for the Democratic party's nomination for president took off.   Even in 21st century America, there is no candidate like an old white guy.   Left, right and center may not agree on much, but pluralities of all political persuasions agree that older white men unite rather than divide the country.

      Krugman goes on to say the present day Democratic party is comfortable in its own skin and is acting like many center left parties around the world.  However, I doubt Krugman's analysis could stand the emergence of a truly left candidate or a woman or POC as president.  Obama had high personal approval across much of the electorate, but Republicans were able to demonize his policies, specifically, the ACA.

      Biden's Covid relief bill was more than twice what  Obama's relief bill for the Great Recession and has proven wildly popular.  I have a feeling president Harris would have fared poorly if she had presented the same plan as Biden.   She probably wouldn't have been able to muster all 50 Democrats in the Senate.  Racism is a powerful drug!  

       Despite the progress the country has made over the past decade, we are still far from acceptance of people who don't fit the image of the putative majority.   Unfortunately, we are stuck with old white dudes.  We are lucky Biden better represents most of us than the former guy.

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