Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Hypocrisy, thy name is...

      Mitch McConnell plumbs new depths of bad faith nearly every time he opens his mouth.   Warning corporations to stop being so political in the wake of nearly universal condemnation of Georgia's new, restrictive voting law, McConnell in the same breath also said the same corporations should keep the contributions to the GOP coming.

     Now, the contrarians are wondering why the Masters golf tournament is not being cancelled, moved or otherwise curtailed as part of the protest.  The short answer is there are 30 Major league baseball clubs scattered around the country.  There is only one Masters tournament.  It is owned by a company which only recently admitted blacks as members.   There is no way on Dog's green earth the management of the club will criticize the Georgia legislature for restrictive voting laws.

     Yes, some number of Atlantans will miss a paycheck or two due to the movement of the All Star game.  But very little of the 100 million dollars the city is supposed to gain will flow to ordinary city dwellers.  As with any social protest, there will be economic fallout.  Let's cut the hypocrisy to a minimum.

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