Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Thanks Joe

       The Divine Mrs. M and I received a letter from the IRS yesterday.   Any missive from the Eternal Revenue Service is usually treated with caution even if there is no guilty conscience involved.   However, yesterday's communication was just a reminder from the president we should know the government had dispatched our Covid 19 relief checks and we should be on the lookout for them.   We actually received the credit to our account several weeks ago, but Joe wanted to make sure we knew who was responsible for the largesse.

     On the heels of that message, the local rag ran its obligatory weekly story of how local  businesses are failing to find enough low wage workers, particularly in the hospitality industry.  As usual, the main reasons given include the generous unemployment benefits and stimulus checks which are supposedly turning workers "skeptical" of low paid work with few or no benefits.   There were no quotes from businessmen or women saying they were offering more money.  Just whining about how the government is making it hard for them to hire desperate people with no alternative for low wages.

     The summer season is upon us and businesses in the North Country depend on this time of year for much of their annual income.   It may behoove them to find out what wage will shake loose some new workers.   Thanks again Joe.

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