Friday, April 23, 2021

Time to do something

       Fortunately, wind and solar power costs have dropped to the point they are cheaper than any other source.   Natural gas may be cheaper, until you factor in the environmental cost of fracking.  This has made it possible for the administration to plan cutting emissions by 50% in the next 10 years.

     Republicans are already pouring cold water on any talk of a bi-partisan plan.  Most of them don't even agree climate change is a thing.  Political solutions are therefore out of the question.   Lucky for us, Joe Biden knows this and will concentrate on executive actions which will keep our transition to clean energy on course.  Assuming Joe Manchin's posterior is kissed lovingly enough to secure his vote on the Americans Job Act, it will set in motion a nearly unstoppable change toward environmental justice.  Whether that will be enough to secure a livable future for the human race is questionable.  However, it would appear to be our only chance.

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