Wednesday, April 14, 2021

The long and winding road

       So, the US is finally withdrawing from Afghanistan.  It sounds too good to be true and thus, it probably is.  I don't mean president Biden is lying too us.  Our troops will be coming home by Sept. 11 amid much pomp and a fair amount of naysaying by pundits and supporters of the military industrial complex.   It is fair to ask, however if all Americans involved in the war effort are coming home.  This refers to the thousands of private military contractors who literally outnumber our troops on the ground in Afghanistan.

     A private military force made up primarily of ex US soldiers under the command of shadowy outfits like the one headed by Eric Prince and costing hundreds of millions of dollars per year is a real and troubling possibility.   We need vigorous oversight of the money the Pentagon is spending in Afghanistan and other countries in that area.  

     The Afghanistan war has been a 2 trillion dollar fiasco which once again shows that nation building in an area not ready for western style democracy is for the most part a waste of blood and treasure.  We must start the process of closing most of the 800 bases we maintain around the world and wind up the American Empire's presence in countries who neither need or want us.

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