Friday, April 9, 2021

In search of wokeness

        Somehow in all the headlines generated  by the supposed rift between the GOP and corporations I didn't see any news about  Delta Airlines or Coca Cola proposing a profit sharing arrangement with their workers.  I also didn't hear Jeff Bezos encouraging his workers to unionize with the attendant calls for better working conditions.   Despite the handwringing and warnings from Mitch McConnell, it still looks a lot like business as usual in corporate boardrooms across the country.

        The US and the world is rapidly coming to a crossroads in the clash between capital and labor.   Thanks to a 40 year campaign by conservatives and their corporate allies, the share of the fruits of capitalism has increasingly flowed to a smaller and smaller number of people and entities.   Continued automation fueled by the rise of AI (artificial intelligence) has rendered more and more jobs redundant.  As white collar jobs fall prey to this coming automation, an even greater number of workers will be without the job that gives so much meaning to so many.   That is the real challenge facing corporations and citizens around the world.   

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