Thursday, April 29, 2021

Say it ain't so, Joe

       I checked one of the blogs I follow on a regular basis for his take on last night's address by president Biden.  With tongue firmly in cheek, he announced "Full Communism is here".   Based on the number of exploding Republican heads, my blogger may be closer to the truth than he imagines.

     Republicans can't seem to get together with a unified criticism of kindly Uncle Joe.   Instead of the mildly crazy gaffe machine he was as Obama's vice president, Joe Biden has been a disciplined, non ideological pragmatist whose solutions to many of the problems we face are not really controversial when the premise for them is examined.   The covid vaccination program is a case in point.   A ruthlessly competent government program will have immunized virtually the entire adult population by the beginning of summer, assuming everyone eligible reports in for their shot.

      Biden is also tackling the problem of income inequality.  No matter what solution is offered, Republicans will try to poke holes in it, so the president is going the full monty.   It may not work , but at least he is trying.  The Democratic party is moving leftward and Biden is following it.  The success or failure  of the various programs he touted last night will very possibly herald the validation or the failure of the American experiment.  I know which outcome I'm rooting for.

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