Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Wanting the feelgood

       Despite my assertion the Democratic Convention is a snoozefest and 4 day infomercial for the party, I did stay up late enough to see the roll call and the official tally which nominated Joe Biden.   All the states and territories of the American Empire participated and it seemed a good time was had by all.  Of course, only enthusiastic Biden supporters were picked to deliver each new tally and the diversity of the chosen was impressive.   I'm sure every constituency in the party was represented proportionately, which means old white dudes like yours truly and the party's nominee were vastly outnumbered.

      Another thing about this year's virtual convention;  you get to hear a lot more ordinary people, however filtered they may be.  This is a sharp contrast from other years when more than 50% of the air time was seemingly shot after shot of a packed convention center and the stage set of whatever network you were watching.  The production is far tighter and more consumable.

    Taken altogether, this convention has so far outshined its previous iterations.   It will be interesting to see if future political conventions return to the older jam packed convention centers or continue with a more personal, virtual gathering.

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