Monday, August 24, 2020

The Coming Darkness

      For those who choose to watch the GOP convention this week, be prepared for American Carnage 2.  I have a feeling tRump is going to run as if he was a bystander for the last 3 1/2 years.   While tRump and republicans have been restoring American greatness, the democrats have been causing untold suffering.  Somehow, Covid 19, 176,000 deaths and the economic ruin that has followed are all democrat plots to thwart our glorious leader.   Blah, blah and blah.  

      Of course, the Q Anon set and even some rank and file republicans will buy what tRump is selling.   With the amplification provided by Rushbo, Breitbart, Faux News and OAN, the faithful will supposedly become terrified of the prospect of Joe Biden, the drooling socialist tool or Kamala, the not black enough, but too "other" to be considered a real Murcan.   Rioting in the streets and the eviceration of "our beautiful suburbia" will be his appeal to the female demographic.  

      I doubt much of this scaremongering is going to work on most of its target audience.   It took Russian interference in the election with a timely boost from James Comey to put Cheeto Jesus over the top last time.  This time it will take wholesale voter suppression and intimidation to produce an outcome favorable to republicans.  

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