Friday, August 14, 2020

82 and counting

       The title of this post refers to how many days are left to Nov. 3.   Of course most hard core political junkies know that, but for some reason they think the vast majority of their fellow citizens are not cognizant of this fact, along with many others which they are intimately familiar.  My daughters joke that MSNBC is the soundtrack of the Divine Mrs. M's life.  Even if we are not listening directly, it is usually on one TV or another, quietly stoking outrage at the latest perfidies of the tRump administration.  

       Besides liberal media outlets, there is also Facebook, where both sides of the political equation go to stoke their own beliefs and marvel at the stupidity of those who don't share them.   While most of my facebook news feed feels like choir practice, there are enough tRump supporters among my friends that I can get a feeling for what a diminishing minority feels about our president* and his henchmen.

     So, yes, I think even the most apathetic of my fellow citizens have some idea of the stakes in the coming election.   Certainly the pandemic and its horrific toll on the elderly and physically vulnerable among us has penetrated most conscious people.   The latest scandal involving the Post Office will also resonate with ordinary people.  The idea of first class mail taking several weeks to deliver and possibly affecting the elecion  is an outrage most of us have a visceral reaction to.   Despite all the obstacles this administration is putting in the way of voting, I firmly believe in the legions of Americans who would crawl through broken glass to register their displeasure with The Donald.   Election Day cannot come soon enough.

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