Thursday, August 6, 2020

It is what it is

   Among the many disgusting and horrifying things tRump has spewed from his word hole this week, his reply to a question about the death toll from the coronavirus pandemic stands out as a prime example of sociopathic behavior.   Instead of offering sympathy to the survivors of the nearly 160,000 Americans who have perished of the disease in the last 6 months, all the president* could say to the reporter, Jonathan Swan  was "it is what it is".   And that is all you need to know about the man and the party he represents.
    Following that disastrous interview, tRump fled back to the friendly confines of the Faux News bubble he normally inhabits.  There he is subjected to questions along the line of commenting on how un-American the "democrat" party is and how Joe Biden is suffering from a lack of enthusiasm among his partisans.  You could imagine him relaxing as the Fox and Friends hosts bombarded him with softball questions.  
    Meanwhile, the scandal of the Turnberry ask, wherein our president* pressured the US ambassador to the UK to request the Open championship be moved to a resort he owns has come roaring back with another Inspector General resigning without explanation.   Also, it was revealed Deutsche Bank has complied with a subpoena from the Manhattan D.A.'s office for tRump financial records.  It is beginning to look like the October Surprise could be the indictment of a sitting president by a district attorney who Bill Barr doesn't control!   Oh well, it is what it is.

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