Tuesday, August 4, 2020

All the best people

      Using a loophole in the Vacancies Act, president* tRump appointed Anthony Tata to an unspecified job in the Pentagon which allows him to do the job for which the Senate denied his confirmation.   This has happened hundreds of times in the last 3 years.  While I might agree that 2600 jobs requiring Senate confirmation amounts to an enormous staffing problem for any administration, the appointment of an anti-Islamist and racist to the number 3 job in the DOD should require rigorous vetting.
      Tata's appointment is of a piece with this administration's lawless approach to governance.  The president* and his top advisors set the tone and it trickles all the way down to the approach of CBP and ICE officers in the performance of their various duties.   If you believe that racism and disregard for the law is smiled upon, then the rule of law is compromised.   When the next administration takes office it will have to deal with the fallout this behavior has caused and will continue to make us a less democratic nation.

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