Friday, August 21, 2020

Biden or Bannon

       Yesterday offered Americans a pretty stark reminder of what our political parties have become.  On the one hand, Steve Bannon was hauled off a Chinese billionaire's yacht and charged with bilking hundreds of thousands of his fellow citizens by promising to help build tRump's wall across the southern border.   Pledging to put all the funds he collected toward the wall, he   instead is alleged to have  diverted close to a million dollars for his own use, laundering the money through shell companies.   Joe Biden, on the other hand, asked his fellow Americans to be allowed to lead them out of the wilderness of four years of the most corrupt administration in modern history with the kind of earnest, heart tugging speech many of us hoped he was capable of giving.  

     A friend of mine from high school must have seen one of my shared posts on facebook the other day and sent me a message saying she was voting for tRump in November.   I would like to say she is an aberration, an otherwise very nice person who fell for a line of BS.  Unfortunately, there are many more like her out there.   They are Faux News listeners who have been poisoned by right wing talking points.  After I told her it was her prerogative to vote for whomever she pleased, I pointed out tRump is a racist, sexist narcissist who is basically running a crime syndicate out of the White House.   She replied Obama did the same thing.   This is the game the GOP will play all of the election season.  Heaven help us all.

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