Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The tRump Voter

        The NYT probably thought it was doing a public service by interviewing tRump voters across the country and showing us the human beings behind the caricatures.   Look here, the reporter says, a 59 year old woman with a law degree who admires the president.   Here's another woman who has a black son-in-law and still intends to vote for a racist and misogynist.  It's almost like they have a list of stereotypes they must explode to somehow validate the president*.

        I get it.  In a country of 330,000,000 people, there are bound to be millions of voters who would vote for Attila the Hun or even Jeffrey Dahmer if he was the republican candidate.   If many of these tRump voters were magically transported to 1776 they would have declared the Founders of the republic were dangerous revolutionaries who should be executed.  Move forward 80 years and they would have lauded the "beneficial" aspects of slavery.   There are always people who move at slower pace than the arc of history.  I don't believe their views should be validated by media attention.   

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