Friday, August 28, 2020

As America burns and drowns, the grift goes on

       I did not listen to the finale of tRumpalooza last night.   I'm pretty sure the president* told his marks the world has gone to hell in a handbasket and he alone can clean up the mess he made.   180,000 Covid 19 victims and counting, protestors being gunned down in the streets by 17 year old fanboys and most importantly, wildfires in the west and hurricanes in the east caused by or at least amplified by the climate change Cheeto Jesus denounces as a hoax.  The implications of the last sentence should put a chill into any sentient being.

      However, among the media enabling this fiasco of an administration, everything is fine, unless Joe Biden is elected in November.   Then the hellscape I just described will be blamed on democratic policies.   Already, assholes such as Tucker Carlson are lauding the 17 year old shooter in Kenosha as a hero who was there to defend property using deadly force.  How many copycats will respond to this glorification of murder?

     I could go on, but virtually anyone reading this probably agrees with the gist.   It's time to defenestrate tRump and start moving this country in the direction of human values and sanity.   

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