Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Fear itself

      It is readily apparent to the fact based reality community that fear is the only thing our president* hopes for.   Turning FDR's phrasing on its head, Cheeto Jesus and his henchmen hope fear of crime and economic decline which he attributes to China and illegal immigrants will drive "low information" voters to the polls.   Based on facebook conversations with former classmates, there seem to be plenty of the later willing to look past tRump's many peccadillos and vote for him as their savior.

      Fortunately, the rising level of education in this country has produced a more educated electorate than 2016.   That and the coming of age of the latter part of the millenial generation and the first voters of Gen Z to be voter eligible provide a counterweight to the working class voters who put tRump over the top in 2016.    Many pundits are predicting and looking for a close election.  However, as the economic carnage and Covid 19 deaths continue to pile up, I think the chances of tRump stealing the election will grow more untenable.   Fear is a powerful weapon, but information is mightier.

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