Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Wake me up when it's over

      The virtual Democratic National Convention started last night and I actually watched a few minutes of the feel good proceedings.   The message, at least in the few minutes I saw seemed to be we may be facing a pandemic, global climate change and a cratering economy, but good folks around the country are working to make all these problems go away.  If only....

      Another thing the Biden team wants us to know is there are good republicans out there who have not drunk the tRump  Kool Aid and at least in the present moment want democrats to govern the country.  So, John Kasich, the balanced budget, abortion restricting former governor of Ohio gets a prime time slot to praise Joe Biden, while Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, the dems rock star gets one minute to address us and Latinos like Julian Castro get no time.   In Castro's case, I can almost see why he is shunned after implying Joey the Shark was more than a step slow in one of the candidates' debates.  However, it doesn't explain why so many other democratic voices on the left of the party have either been muzzled or ignored.  

    If we were not facing an existential crisis in the era of tRump, I would be far more critical of my party and its presidential nominee.   Biden is a stopgap measure to hopefully transition us to a better place, but his wing of the party helped make The Donald and his version of republicanism possible.   As I said, wake me up when the convention is over.

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