Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Ready to run

       As expected, Joe Biden has chosen a black woman for the vice presidential slot on his ticket.   Kamala Harris is probably the safest pick among the finalists for the spot.   As she proved during her run for the democratic presidential nomination, she is a formidable fundraiser.   Also, the VP candidate usually functions as the attack dog during the campaign, going after the other party's nominees.  Harris will be especially good at getting under the president's* skin and will likely make mincemeat of Pence during the VP debate.

      In a perfect world, Biden would have chosen Elizabeth Warren.   Not only is she ready to be president on a moment's notice, but Warren would have energized the Bernie Sanders' wing of the party.  Harris won't perform that function.  However, she will excite the millions of black women who will drag their relations to the polls in November.   She will also persuade the tech community to open their wallets for democrats.   She knows the players in Silicon Valley and will reassure them Biden won't go too far to the left.   As one pundit observed, the VP has little input as far as policy is concerned, so while Warren's vision of the breakup of big tech might be off the table, Medicare for all and some of Bernie's other pet projects may still be viable.

    In the end, as long as Biden didn't pick someone who would alienate a significant part of the party's base, it doesn't really matter.  The fact he chose a black/asian woman has a pretty good upside for him and for the nation.

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