Wednesday, January 15, 2020

What's goin on

     I was all set to write a summation of my thoughts regarding last night's debate.   As usual, it would not have been wildly different than what most of the pundits who are actually paid to publish the drivel on offer at major media outlets.   Then I chanced to read two rants and it changed my direction.       Over on the First Draft blog, the writer posits if she was to be paid the sum of 80 million dollars for screwing up the largest airplane manufacturer on the planet and being fired in disgrace, she would skip the accidents which killed nearly 300 people, just do some non lethal stupidity and then retire to her private island.   The effrontery which allows a-holes like the Boeing CEO to do things which would lead to summary firing without benefits for most of us is never captured by the media.  For some reason, the golden parachute he is leaving with is par for the course.  Meanwhile, in Witchita, Kansas, 2700 workers are being laid off as a result of decisions he made or was responsible for.  WTF.
     The other rant which caught my attention was the description of a video made of a Sanders supporter.   He slandered and vilified every candidate running against Bernie.   At one point he advocated dragging every MSNBC anchor by their hair into the street and lighting them on fire.   Now, obviously Sanders would never advocate for such things, but his grumpy persona and the "revolution" he continuously advocates has definitely unhinged a certain subset of Berniebros.  This is toxic and he needs to get people like this out of his campaign.  
     For what it's worth, I think the women on the stage won the debate and Joe Biden looked like the not crazy uncle at Thanksgiving who had too much turkey and fell asleep while mumbling about how he would straighten out this country.   Dog help us if he wins the nomination.

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