Friday, January 17, 2020

The Forgotten

     As the media, both liberal and conservative, chase the new shiny objects of impeachment and the Parnas story, many other stories are being ignored.   Besides the banishment of the democratic primaries, the ongoing suffering and anonymity of Puerto Rico and the continuing problems besetting America's children are being sidelined by most papers and television stations.
    In today's NYT, Paul Krugman asks why America hates children.   He points out every developed country provides maternal leave as a right.  Most also provide high quality universal child care for those parents who either want to or have to work.  As a grandparent who helps provide some of the infrastructure which enables my daughters to work, I find our system to be expensive and cruel.   Also, children in countries such as France are taught to eat a healthy diet.  America's children serve as a disposal site for our farm surpluses.
     Puerto Rico, still reeling from huge hurricanes in 2017 is now at the epicenter of a series of earthquakes which are still shaking the island, nearly 10 days after the first shocks.   Meanwhile, the tRump administration is withholding congressionally approved aid because of concerns regarding corruption.  This is obviously another case of projection!   Even the commonwealth's decision to mandate $15.00/hr. pay on federally funded projects has been countermanded.  Virtually none of this is being reported by the media.   But don't worry, we'll all be treated to impeachment trial happenings on a minute by minute basis.

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