Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Fait Accompli

       Anyone who expected anything but a quick vote for acquittal in the impeachment trial of Donald J. Trump probably still believes in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.   With Mitch McConnel firmly in charge of a spineless republican caucus tRump will be able to start his State of the Union speech with an account of how he beat the rap.
      It is especially ironic that a book "A Very Stable Genius", by two Washington Post reporters is coming out today.  I'm sure there is much damning information in the book, but the money passage is tRump's diatribe against the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act in 2017.   The act specifically prohibits Americans from paying bribes in foreign countries to secure business deals.  The Donald railed at his Secretary of State, saying this was so unfair and that it would change.  He then demanded Secretary Tillerson "get rid of" the law.   This from a president* who's legal team will make the argument he held up military aid for Ukraine due to concerns about corruption in that country.   Surely, irony is dead.

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