Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Killing them loudly

     It must be killing the democratic senators running for president that they must sit through the tRump team's "defense" during the president*s trial.   A first grader with reading skills could poke holes in the ridiculous arguments.   They are mostly about process, since the evidence is overwhelmingly against their client.   Meanwhile, the primary season grinds on without some of the polling leaders.
     The Bolton revelations in yesterday's NYT threaten to drag out the trial, since now there is mounting pressure for actual witnesses to present evidence.   It will not materially change the verdict unless someone introduces a video of the president raping an underage girl and then paying for her abortion.   Even something like that will be spun by the conservative media as a momentary aberration in an otherwise spotless life.  Meanwhile, all the oxygen is sucked out of the room and Sanders, Warren, Klobuchar and Bennett lose precious chances to convince us their vision for America's future is in tune with our own.

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