Thursday, January 2, 2020

Of which no one will speak

      Today begins a new year and a new decade.  I have wished many friends and acquaintances felicitations and good fortune, but a feeling of disquiet has overwhelmed my default cheerfulness in the face of imminent disaster.  Whether it is an economic meltdown, the climate apocalypse or just the feeling of irrelevance that comes with aging, I  can trace all of these trepidations back to the 2020 elections and the kind of country we will become in their aftermath.
      As one commentator opined, it is amazing that so many in the white working and middle classes can look on the thuggish, billionaire buffoon who was elected by a minority of voters and who has never taken their side on any issue and see a champion.   Likewise, how many so called Christians can look at someone who embodies virtually everything the Bible warns us against in terms of behavior and see a savior.   It would seem a willful blindness has overtaken many of our fellow citizens.  
     How to navigate the coming months and retain our collective sanity is something I will come back to again and again.   There is little to no chance the impeachment of tRump will result in his removal from office, and since facts matter so little to devotee's of Faux News, things will only get worse for those of us who value honest truth.   So, what to do in the face of disaster?  I don't know for sure, but if there was ever an election which demands our attention, this is it.

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