Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Lies and the liar-in-chief

      Now that our president* has given up on the "imminent threat" lie given as cover for the assasination of an Iranian general and basically said "whatever" to those who would hold him to account, it's time to hold the media to account for its coverage of the affair as well as the latest whopper now being amplified by the megaphone it affords tRump.
      To even a casual political observer, the conflicting stories coming out of the administration after the Suliemani killing was the tipoff it was an ill thought out and increasingly embarrassing moment for tRump and his henchmen who obviously had not gamed out the responses from Iran and the rest of the world.
      Meanwhile, the hapless pundits were either in the Faux News camp and accepted every explanation as gospel or on the fact based side they tied themselves in knots trying to fact check the Liar-in-chief.  Most finally threw in the towel and had to point out that despite the stakes; war with a powerful adversary, tRump had lied to us once again.
      Now we move on to an even more egregious falsehood.  We are now told by tRump that he single handedly saved the preexisting conditions portion of Obamacare.  Meanwhile, his DOJ is sponsoring a lawsuit to invalidate the whole law with nothing to replace it if that happened.  Yet here again we will be talking about healthcare instead of impeachment.  As Don Maclean would say, my hands are clenched in fists of rage....

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