Thursday, January 23, 2020

Late night with Mitch

      Having been forced by more moderate members of his caucus to at least forego the "dark of night' strategy of forcing impeachment managers and defenders to make the bulk of their arguments after most Americans are in bed, Mitch McConnell gave both sides 3 eight hour days too make their arguments to the Senate.
      This call will have absolutely no effect on the ultimate verdict, but at least it will call in to question McConnell's latest nickname, Midnight Mitch.   Meanwhile, the impeachment trial drags on and people are treated to the serious legal argument being made by the managers from the House vs. the nearly incoherent stylings by tRump's "legal" team.   In a real courtroom, the president's* lawyers would have been laughed out of the proceedings by now.   If this team had represented OJ, he would have never seen the light of day.  Many people have said Bill Barr is tRump's Roy Cohn.  Well, he has his Johnny Cochrane also.  His name is Midnight Moscow Mitch.

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