Thursday, January 16, 2020

Crime spree or business as usual

      Rachel Maddow's interview with Lev Parnas last night was riveting for the calm demeanor Parnas showed as he detailed the influence peddling, extortion and intimidation he and Rudy Giuliani's merry band of reprobates carried out in Ukraine in 2018 and early 2019.  As one pundit said, it was as if one of the Watergate burglars appeared on the McNeil-Lehrer report and implicated Nixon et al. The key difference between then and now is in 2019 no one's mind was changed by last night's revelations.
       I suppose there will be further evidence coming to light, or even new foreign adventures revealed, but unless there is video of tRump handing bags of cash to the Ukrainian president somehow the president*s true believers will continue their delusions.

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