Friday, January 24, 2020

Last gasps

      I didn't watch much of the televised coverage of the impeachment trial of Donald J. Trump yesterday.   After months of coverage, I know most of the details and the repetition did nothing to calm the existential dread of the coming week of back and forth before the inevitable vote to dismiss charges.
     It now appears the republican senate caucus has indeed sold its soul to tRump in the laughable attempt to ingratiate themselves.   As one pundit said, there were never going to be 4 GOP senators voting to hear witnesses in this mirror image of a show trial.  It was either going to be more than 4 or less, because no one wants to be the 51st and the primary target of tweet wrath.   The democrats looked disheartened even after Adam Schiff's impassioned plea for at least the appearance of fair play.
      The hard right will cheer and most of us in the center or left will weep, but both sides represent a small portion of the electorate.  Most will not even begin to think about the election to come until after Labor Day.   It is America's shame that most of us are so politically disengaged that republicans feel no shame as they dismantle our democracy.

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