Sunday, January 26, 2020


    It was with heavy hearts the Divine Mrs. M and I bid farewell to Chazz, our faithful cat on Saturday.   He had been diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a blood cancer, and he declined to the point we decided it was time to end his suffering.   It was sad, but a peaceful end and we were left with the memory of a loving friend.
     I think it is amazing we can give our pets the gift of an end of suffering while simultaneously forcing our fellow humans to suffer untold indignities at the end of life.   Surely it makes more sense to allow someone to ease themselves off this mortal coil than to eke out a few more days at the cost of losing what made us cherish them in life.  I know the arguments against suicide and the slippery slope it represents, but I firmly believe in the right of an individual to go gently into this good night.  On the other hand, if someone wishes to extend their life at all costs, they should have that right also.

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