Friday, January 31, 2020

The road to hell and other unsavory places

       By the time most of us are sitting down to dinner this evening, the Senate will probably vot to acquitt president* tRump of the two articles of impeachment the House brought against him.  This, after the "world's greatest deliberative body" voted not to hear witnesses or subpoena documents related to the charges.    While this should not surprise anyone who follows politics even in a desultory manner, it is disappointing.
       Ex senator, Jeff Flake, opined recently if there was a secret ballot on impeachment, at least 30 republicans would vote to oust tRump.   As it now stands, Mitt Romney may be the only vote from the republican caucus to register against the walking advertisement for corruption which now inhabits the oval office.  A majority of the country feels he should be removed, but only one GOP senator (Maybe), feels the same way.  Not to mention there may be one or two democrats who may also vote for acquittal now that they see which way the Beltway breeze is blowing.
      Many Americans will feel the democratic system has failed us, allowing a manifestly corrupt and unfit man to continue in office for at least another year, during which he may do untold damage to our republic.   The only response is to work our collective tails off to make sure it is only one year.  There will be plenty of criminal charges waiting for tRump when he leaves office next January.  Let's make sure it happens!

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