Monday, January 6, 2020


       Even though I'm an old white man, or maybe because I am, I remain a skeptic of the efficacy of putting an old white man as the face of the democrats in the coming election.   White men make up a small minority of the party and old whites a vanishing trace.  So why are we on the cusp of nominating either Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders to run against a demented old white man for the presidency?
      I believe if you ask an ordinary man in the street from either party, she would express support for a woman or POC presidential candidate, if there were no question of "electability".  Once that word is factored in, support for alternatives to white men drops.  I had the opportunity to visit my 89 year old mother over the weekend and she was a perfect test case for this theory.  While saying she supports both Liz Warren and Amy Klobuchar, she was adamant that neither could be president.  When pressed for a reason, she said she just didn't think a woman was up to the job.
      Meanwhile, the most powerful woman in the country, Nancy Pelosi, continues to make tRump look like a first grader having a tantrum as she shepherds the impeachment of the president* through Congress.   I rest my case.

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