Thursday, September 27, 2018

Time to buckle up

After watching a few minutes of the *president's press conference yesterday I was feeling disoriented.  The toxic BS he was spewing and the infantile language and syntax made it seem like a therapy session for someone with a severe mental problem.  Most fact checkers heads had exploded after the first few questions.   Only the tRump faithful could have said this went well.  The topper was his disrespectful references to our northern neighbor and its Prime Minister.  Obviously he feels he can insult Canadians because their economy is only a fraction of the US.   However, they are still our biggest trading partner and they make up a disproportionate share of the economies of the states which border Canada.  Even more so the counties immediately adjacent to the border.  If Canadians are made to feel unwelcome, sales tax revenue and businesses will be affected.  tRump ran up huge vote totals in many of these places, including my own Clinton County.  I wonder how many of the small business owners who voted enthusiastically for the *president are starting to wonder if perhaps they may have sabotaged themselves.

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