Friday, September 7, 2018

Old Dogs, old tricks

With the twin spectacles of the Kavanaugh hearings and the snipe hunt in the White House, the pundit class has plenty of fodder on which to chew.  As usual, it is all sound and fury, signifying nothing.   Despite Democrats' best efforts Kavanaugh is likely to be confirmed by the herd of sheep also known as the Senate republican caucus.  Rachel Maddow holds out some hope that Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins may bolt after the latest revelation that partisan hack Kavanaugh lied through his teeth to them by saying he believed Roe vs. Wade is settled law.  He forgot to mention he doesn't believe that when it comes to the Supreme Court deciding it!  Collins got rolled during the tax cut debate and will probably again express her belief that the nominee will do the right thing.  In this case it means thwarting or delaying progressive legislation for the next 30-40 years.  Meanwhile, at Camp Runamuck, the counselors are hiding under the furniture as the *president rants at their perfidy.  The comparison of The Donald to King Lear also comes to mind, but this administration leans more toward farce than tragedy at this point.   Also, their has to be some sympathy for the main character. 

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